This is Part 2 of a Series. Go to Part 1: Intrinsic Value and the Equity Perpetuity Theory
If we start to think of stocks as perpetuities (i.e. if we intend to be passively enriched as the "equity" perpetuity unendingly pays us flat dough—regardless what the market is schizophrenically doing) then we might as well identify which "equity" annual payments we’d be considering and discounting. Once we identify these, we'll discover that the rate of return on our equity perpetuity is nothing more than two familiar, often used (but also often misunderstood) measures: the dividend yield and free cash flow yield.
But what if we want the business-conscious perspective (since we don’t wanna rely on dividends because that’s being aloof or it’s skin deep), or what if the business isn’t giving out dividends but is actually good at making money? Then we look deeper into the business and measure it through that tangible evidence of its underlying cash-generating capacity which is the free cash flow. Free cash flow shall be our assumed fixed annual payments for the equity perpetuity, that is the business. When we divide free cash flow by the stock price, we’re effectively getting the free cash flow yield. Isn't the Free Cash Flow Yield more meaningful and solid if taken from a flat free-cash-flow-generating-perpetuity standpoint?
In conclusion, having a perpetuity mind frame (i.e. looking at stocks as "equity" perpetuities) shall be a good tool when quickly evaluating stocks (although I would personally advice not to exclusively or solely rely on it). It’s a conservative measure because while we assume infinite inflows, we’re still projecting flat earnings anyway. If we use dividends as our substitute for the equity perpetuity’s annual payments in trying to measure a prospective rate of return, then we’re effectively using the dividend yield. Past dividend-skin-deep, however, if we use free cash flow (which personally is a better substitute to have a more business-rounded evaluation) then we’re effectively getting the free cash flow yield.
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